10. Study Questions Copy

Please note that No 3 is a study task. This is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the subject. Making notes will be helpful for later revision.


The answers to questions 1,2 and 4 can be found below.

1. This section concerns Aulus Aurius (not Aulus Aurius Melinus, the ex-husband of Cluentia). What words does Cicero use to describe him?

2. post illam autem fugam, et sceleris et conscientiae testem, numquam se iudiciis, numquam legibus, numquam inermem inimicis committere ausus est: Comment on this line.

3.Read the material below and make appropriate notes. This will deepen your understanding of the context in which these events are happening:


a) Qunitus Caecilius Metellus Pius:



b) Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix:



c) Proscriptions:



d) Roman local government:


4 Although Oppianicus appears to have some terrible things here, it is worth pointing out here that the proscriptions were, at the time, legal. Strictly speaking, it could be argued that what Oppianicus had done had official backing. Is it fair for Cicero to attack him for this?


vir fortis et experiens, et domi nobilis.

A tricolon is used to emphasise that Oppianicus is so guilty that he needed to avoid the scrutiny of all types of law enforcement.


Sulla’s name has become reviled, and many of his laws overturned, but his legacy would endure, and in 43 BC, Cicero would be killed through proscription. Cicero is able to play on the antipathy to Sulla, to question the morality of Oppianicus’ actions, even though theoretically legal at the time (although there is the implication that he is using the pretext of proscription to achieve his aims).

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