Exam information

If you wish to sit a GCSE or an A Level exam and you are an adult learner or a home educated student (i.e. not enrolled in a school), you will need to book the exam at an exam centre. 


We recommend that you find an exam centre as soon as you decide you wish to sit the exam and contact them directly to check they can help.


The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) provides a useful resource which allows you to enter your postcode, qualification and exam board to find your local exam centres.


For the link, click here


Secondary schools and sixth form colleges


It is also worth noting that some secondary schools and sixth form colleges accept private candidates. You may wish to enquire locally, contacting the exams officer at the school or sixth form college.


OCR website


The OCR website also has information for private candidates here.


Lastly, there is no requirement to sit the exams if you take our courses. We have many students following the courses out of interest. The material covered in the Classics GCSEs and A Levels can inspire a life long interest in the ancient world and provide a springboard for future, rewarding studies.



Tutors and Exams


Sulis Learning has partnered with Tutors and Exams who have private exam centres across the UK. Sulis Learning students who book exams through Tutors and Exams are eligible to a discount. Details of the centres and the fees can be found here.


The above organisation can also help with Access Arrangements, should these be required. For more information click here.


International students

It is possible to sit the exams for the Latin IGCSE as a private candiate at many  Cambrindge International Schools and at some British Council offices worldwide.


The following links can help to locate exam centres in your country and area:






If you would like further advice or help with locating an exam centre, please  email us at info@sulislearning.co.uk.

If you wish to sit a GCSE or an A Level exam and you are an adult learner or a home educated student (i.e. not enrolled in a school), you will need to book the exam at an exam centre. 


The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) provides a useful resource which allows you to enter your postcode, qualification and exam board to find your local exam centres.


For the link, click here


We recommend that you find an exam centre as soon as you decide you wish to sit the exam and contact them directly to check they can help.


The OCR website also has information for private candidates here.


It is also worth noting that some secondary schools and sixth form colleges accept private candidates. You may wish to enquire locally, contacting the exams officer at the school or sixth form college.


Lastly, there is no requirement to sit the exams if you take our courses. We have many students following the courses out of interest. The material covered in the Classics GCSEs and A Levels can inspire a life long interest in the ancient world and provide a springboard for future, rewarding studies.