Latin GCSE 12 months access
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Course overview
Exam board: OCR
Component 1: Language J282/01
Component 2: Prose and Verse Literature
Component 3: Literature and Culture
Our course provides comprehensive course material, created by Dr Michael Beer, an expert Classicist and experienced teacher.
Students develop both linguistic skills and an understanding of the many ways in which Latin, ancient civilisations and literature, can provide insights into our modern world.
Benefits of the course include PowerPoints narrated by Dr Beer and study questions with suggested answers.
Advice on revision and how to tackle the examination paper is also included. We also provide access to a recent exam paper, the examiner’s report, mark scheme and candidate exemplar answers. These are useful resources which enable students to understand what is required to achieve the highest grades.
The course can easily be navigated by a collapsible menu bar.
Reference is made to a textbook, the details of which are below.
Details of the components can be found on the course overview page here.
Required textbook: Essential GCSE Latin by John Taylor. Third Edition. Bloomsbury. ISBN: 978-1-3500-0380-4
This is available from online retailers or you could contact your local bookshop.
Please note: The Language module is the largest section of the course and the content remains the same each year. The second two modules change every two years. Details of the selected texts for these modules can be found on the course overview page here.
A detailed course overview can be read here
Latin GCSE OCR specification – click here