The letter which you are reading comes from the stolen Briseis
scarcely well written in Greek by her foreign hand.
Tears made whatever blots you will see;
but nonetheless tears too have the weight of a voice.
If it is right for me to make a few complaints about you as my master and man,
I will make a few complaints about my master and man.
It is not your fault that I was quickly handed over to the king when he demanded it
– although this also is your fault;
for as soon as Eurybates and Talthybius called me,
I was given to Eurybates and Talthybius as a companion.
One of them casting his eyes at the face of the other,
they were silently asking where our love was.
But I shed tears without end and I tore my hair
– unhappy, I seemed to myself to be being captured again!
Often I wanted to trick my guard and return,
but there was an enemy who would seize the timid me.
If I had set out, I feared I would be captured by night,
to go as a gift to some daughter-in-law or other of Priam.